Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Perks Of Being A Wallflower Book

As you all know, the film 'Perks of Being a Wallflower' has just come out. Shallow as it sounds, I was particularly drawn to it because one of the main characters (Sam) is played by Emma Watson who I love being the Harry Potter geek I am.

Unfortunately, I have this weird thing where I have to read the book before I watch the film and work and other things got in the way so I only read the book a few weeks ago and now only a few cinemas are showing it, none of which are very close to where I live.

So this is only talking about the book, when I see the film I'll write about it comparing them.
The main character is like the contents of my draws, he's completely confusing but yet consistent. From what I can gather he has a mental problem which is connected to the loss of his Aunt. A side of his character is arguably childish, for example his relationship with Sam. He never tries to make any moves yet spends the entirety of the book talking about his love for her... As much as I want to love him, I do find him extremely frustrating at times.

As much as I liked the book, when I got to the end I was fairly disappointed as not much had happened at all. However, I would still recommend it if you liked the film or even just the trailer as it is a nice fairly quick read. Also apparently the film is quite different and some of the story is slightly changed & I defiantly look forward to watching it!

Hope you all had a lovely day:)

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